Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dunedin, The Catlins, the Bluff!!! and Queenstown

Dunedin, The Catlins, the Bluff!!! and Queenstown

Saturday 2nd to Tuesday 5th March 2013

Day of Trip = 63 – 66

No of Kms Driven so far: 6, 944

The south of the south! We planned to do a tramp up to Mueller hut in Mt Cook national park…but the clouds came rolling in, so we will try to come back to complete it on our way north. So instead of tramping it’s a long drive all the way south to Dunedin. It’s right on ‘O week’ here and the students are out in force – on our way to a café for lunch we narrowly avoid a whole street of naked guys and girls prancing around tipsy…! Not really in the mood to join them we drive around the peninsula to visit the Royal Albatross colony.

Access is by a tour, but its only $40, and we get a lovely old lady Pat to share her knowledge for an hour, and there’s only 4 of us in the group too.  It’s the only mainland place these huge birds nest, and you really get up close and personal to their homes through a glass building. We get to see fledgling furry chicks panting in the heat, and adolescent albatross flying acrobatics. They are an amazing seabird – spending most of their life at sea, just gliding in the air, travelling to Chile in only 10 days, then further afield. They only hatch one egg every two years, so we feel pretty privileged to see them up close and personal.

We drive an hour and a half further south to the Catlins. It’s a really rugged area of coastline here, and the weather is definitely getting colder…only 12 degrees max! Brr! It’s also really windy. But we get to see some amazing wildlife in their natural habitat…the world’s rarest penguin – the yellow eyed penguin – just rocks up on the beach to its nest in the bushes, seemingly unfazed by us standing several metres away. Awesome! Also just at the next bay we spy Hectors dolphins, again incredibly rare, frolicking in the sea, riding the waves, nursing their calves.

What is further south that the Catlins? Yup you guessed it…the most southern tip of the south island…Slope Point (not the Bluff you ask? Slope point actually has this honour). It’s a pretty cool feeling that we have managed it…Cape Reinga to the Bluff, and most of the places in between! Woop woop!
We really wanted to see Stewart Island this trip, but the weather’s not really in our favour…its cold, wet and windy and the sea is rolling…we are too jealous of everyone having such nice weather up north that we decide we will just have to return again one day. So instead we head to Queenstown for a couple of days of R & R  - it doesn’t disappoint! Haden even manages to squeeze another 4WD trip in, up the Arrow Gorge to see an abandoned gold mining village (Macetown), with a couple Lord of the Rings scenic shots thrown in.

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Baby albatross chick nesting

Flying (with rare Steward Island shags below)



Porpoise bay from hill. Catlins (campsite in amongst the flax bushes)

Slope point - most southern tip of the south island!


Doesn't seem that long that we were at Cape Reinga looking at the sign for the Bluff!

Nice steam tractor - 8 horse power!


Amisfield winery (Queenstown)

Red Tractor

Arrow valley 4x4 trip

Macetown bake house

Trying his luck

Arrow valley 

Tyre on rock

Guess the lord of the rings scene?

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