Friday, February 1, 2013

Coromandel - Auckland to the Kauaeranga Valley

Coromandel - Auckland to the Kauaeranga Valley

Day of Trip = 25

Wednesday 23rd January 2012

We spend a luxurious 5 days in Auckland with Holly and Kris (thanks guys!)...seems like a long time considering we are on a time budget, but finally we have managed to get the roof rack sorted! The far north was a good testing ground for our gear, so we have a wee job list to complete here too (buy a funnel (dont ask), give brakes a tune up, buy a bikini etc etc). Also have the opportunity to eat out (we have been very good with cooking at the campsite 98% of the time), and watch a couple of 3D movies (The Hobbit and Life of Pi - both highly recommended!!!). 

The far north took us way longer than we imagined, just so beautiful, and we wanted to feel like we had been everywhere, done everything, and in a relaxed way... as you can imagine, NZ is just too big a place to travel at this speed. So from now on we resolve to try be more efficient and get to the south island some time this year! 

First stop is of course the Coromandel, cannot be missed on a coastal camping holiday. For a change, we go inland from Thames, up the Kauaeranga Valley, where there are 7 DOC campsites all nestled along a river. Lush! We choose Wainora campsite, nestled next to some native forest and a clear stream. Pretty quiet here too, for the first time no seagulls competing with small children with who can scream the loudest. 

We spend one of the days climbing the Pinnacles (750m from sea level and 3.5 - 4 hours solid tramping one way). Very fun tramp with swing bridges and steps cut into solid rock and eventually stunning summit views.

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Feet up in at Wainora with an open fire

Set up in the Kauaeranga valley  (yes this is pitch black at nighttime)

Cookson Kauri near our campsite

A remnant of the kauri logging in early 1900s - they transported them downriver with dams and 20% got lost along the way

The pinnacles

Steps cut into rock for the pack supply ponies

Swing bridge!

Where's Wally?

At the summit of the pinnacles

Long way down

Ladder climbing

Restored dam (way to wreck the land effectively!)

Another swing bridge!

Cool off in Hoffman's pool (amazing the difference fresh water makes!)

Haden readying the roof rack

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